Our flagship program

Promoting Research

Grants are awarded to organisations with projects that will help achieve our purpose of promoting the principles of occupational hygiene in the prevention and control of occupational diseases in Australian workplaces.

In addition, as a health promotion charity, grants made by us must demonstrate a benefit to the public. This might be in the form of free publication of project outcomes or project outcomes that benefit members of the public. Examples of workplace diseases may be found in the Safe Work Australia booklet "Deemed Diseases in Australia".

Calls for applications are made at the discretion of the Board and Grants of up to $10,000 will be considered.

Projects we look for

Evidence based

produce results, and has the potential to make a difference


with our purpose, be ethical and relevant


consideration of controls


recognition & evaluation of workplace health affecting hazards

All Grants

Latest Grant Winners

  • University of Wollongong (2020)

    The findings of this study will inform the RFS and volunteers of the limitations in selection of respiratory protection to control exposure to bushfire emissions and enable better management of the health risk for RFS personnel.

We thank our generous donors who have
contributed to the success of our grants program


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