The burden of occupational disease on current and past workers in Australia is immense. This blight on our society is largely hidden due to small numbers of active workplace cases and long latency times for illness (1). Over 200 people will die each year from an injury at work, but approximately 5,000 people will die from an occupational disease (2, 3). The data on occupational diseases is unreliable, so this number could be much higher.
Help us prevent and control occupational diseases in Australian workplaces Donate Now
That all Australian workplace leaders recognise their duty to prevent occupational disease, understand the principles of occupational hygiene and recognise when to seek advice on the management of workplace health hazards to reduce workers’ exposure.
Our mission is to promote the principles of occupational hygiene as the way to prevent occupational diseases in Australian workplaces.
The Foundation exists to promote sound science and improved understanding of anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of workplace hazards for all sectors and industries, but particularly for those groups most over represented in occupational disease in Australia.
We aim to work within the wider exposure science community of occupational health nurses and practitioners, epidemiologists, occupational physicians, ergonomists, toxicologists, safety engineers, safety professionals, health physicists and health risk communicators.
- We were established by the AIOH on the 23rd August 2016 as a separate entity. visit AIOH
- We are an independent Australian Public Company, Limited By Guarantee (ACN: 614 388 340).
We are a Health Promotion Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
- We are endorsed by the ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and entitled to receive gifts which are deductible from donor's income tax.
- We use all donations to fund projects and activities that clearly demonstrate will help in the prevention and control of occupational diseases.
- Our activities also include providing grants to external entities to conduct projects that demonstrate an alignment to our purpose and a benefit to the public.
- The AIOH and its members are currently the only member of the Foundation.
- We are governed by a Board of Directors and subject to regulations that control the operation of not for profit charities in Australia in accordance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission Act 2012.
- Board members offer their time and experience probono and receive no remuneration.
- We aim to minimise administration costs. The AIOH has committed to providing practical administrative support for our operations. We acknowledge and thank the AIOH for its generous support.
- We measure success by the advances that we can contribute to the elimination of workplace illnesses.
Our Strategy
We are developing a mix of longer and shorter term projects which includes:
to better define the burden of occupational health on the Australian workforce and promote the principles of Occupational Hygiene in the prevention and control of diseases in the workplace.
Advocacy and support
for education and training in specific industries where occupational hygiene awareness may be low.
for research projects that help in the prevention and control of occupational diseases.
Develop affiliations
with government agencies, industry bodies and unions to have greater reach into the community. This may include forming working groups and assisting specific areas in workplaces that have little occupational hygiene and support.
We have a Strategic Plan that will deliver on our vision that all Australian workplace leaders recognise their duty to prevent occupational disease, understand the principles of occupational hygiene and recognise when to seek advice on the management of workplace health hazards to reduce workers’ exposure. Our implementation plan will focus on delivering our mission and working with a wide range of professionals to improve worker health outcomes.
Our Board
Kieran Brookes
Our sincere thanks to previous serving Board Members: Raelene Young, Sally North, Rob Golec, Tracey Bence, Lisa Mills, Charles Steer, Melanie Windust, Ryk Ecksteen, Caroline Langley, Andrew Bennett and Philip Hibbs.
Workplace illness fatality data is grossly inadequate
Our paper highlights the deficits in Australia’s occupational disease fatality reporting and outlines why this is preventing effective prevention measures.