We are a Registered Health Promotion Charity
We promote the
principles of
Our aim is the prevention
and control of workplace
occupational diseases
in Australia.
A hidden epidemic
Occupational illness
Australians are losing their lives prematurely from workplace illnesses. We are committed to helping to reduce the tragic impact of occupational disease on workers, their families and society.
Advocacy to better define the burden of workplace diseases; support for education & training; develop industry affiliations to have greater community reach; support research through our grant program.

Latest News
17 December 2024
2024/25 AIOH Foundation Grants – Now Open!
Do you have a project that will help achieve our purpose of promoting the principles of occupational hygiene in the prevention and control of occupational diseases in Australian workplaces?
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21 August 2024
New grant award winners – Congratulations University of Western Sydney
Do you have a project that will help achieve our purpose of promoting the principles of occupational hygiene in the prevention and control of occupational diseases in Australian workplaces?
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A call to action
Safe Work Australia
report that workers in Australia are 8 times
more likely to die from an occupational illness
or disease than an accident at work.
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Latest Grants
The first 2023 grant was awarded to the Cancer Council WA for their submission to improve the understanding of the risks of Diesel Engine Exhaust. The funds will be used by the kNOw Workplace Cancer Program to develop and deliver a number of initiatives including digital resources, an awareness campaign
Professor Lin Fritschi of Data Scientists Pty Ltd is the recipient of the third grant of $10,000 for the project: Using a design thinking approach to create a unique digital tool to assess hearing loss risk from noise and ototoxic exposures.
The funds will be used as part of the KNOW Workplace Cancer Program to develop, disseminate and evaluate a targeted and engaging digital silica dust campaign for workers in the Australian artificial stone industry.