We rely on public support

Donations made to the Foundation funds projects and
activities that clearly demonstrate will help in the prevention
and control of occupational diseases.
Donations fund our

Grants Program

Grants have been awarded to external entities
to conduct projects that demonstrate an alignment
to our purpose and are a benefit to the public.

Your Donation

Please make your donation through our PayPal account.

Once we receive your donation, our team will prepare and email you your tax-deductible receipt.



Want to contribute via bank transfer?
Contact us for details.



AIOH Foundation

We are a Health Promotion Charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
Donations of $2 or over are tax deductible in Australia.
We accept credit card donations via PayPal. You can login to your account and checkout OR select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" on the PayPal payment page if you don't have an account.

Contact us if you would like to help us in our work     Contact Us